1969: The Do-Gooder opportunists and the so-called Indian Experts are vanishing into inaudible whispers, while the booming voices of the young Indians themselves – The Truly Expert Indians – are beginning to shake the rivers and hills

To the Editor: ..... 
“All over the country the Indian people are beginning to stir and awake to a new awareness of their own precious identity. The THUNDER and LIGHTNING names are beginning to appear in the major areas of this great country. Dreams and predictions of Indian leaders are beginning reality and people throughout the world are looking with admiration and awe at the Indians speakers as they project the truth about the problems of the Indian people and their solutions to them. The Do-Gooder opportunists and the so-called Indian Experts are vanishing into inaudible whispers, while the booming voices of the young Indians themselves – The Truly Expert Indians – are beginning to shake the rivers and hills and Bureaucratic Government Agencies are beginning to stagger and change their policies.
      …..  “The old, worn-out stereotype images of the Indians  as savage, drunk, shiftless drifter are giving way to images of majestic pride and cultural dignity. Feathers and Beads orators are the current influence on History…. 
       “History books are changing to reflect NOT the Indian as a savage pagan but to show him as one of the most spiritually motivated races of people in the history of  mankind. His ceremonials, his songs, his poetry all reflect a keen awareness to God. “The Great Everywhere Spirit.” The Indian could find God in HARMONY with nature versus the White Man’s CONQUEST or efforts to DEFEAT Nature. The uplift of the Indian’s heart or spirit in the color of leaves in autumn, the cry of the loon on some fear off lake, the whispering of the wind in the pine trees.
      “The Indian Image is truly changing through records of contribution’s to so-called dominant society. Fifty percent of all agricultural products were introduced to our country’s “progressive” inhabitants by the Indian people. In five hundred years Scientists have been unable to find a medical drug or product that the Indian has not used for a same cure….
      “So to close on a note of purpose, I feel it is high time that elected Tribal leaders take a firm stand and DEFEND the Indian people’s rights guaranteed them with legal treaties with the Federal Government……
      “All I can say is “Indian leaders do your thing that you were sworn in to do, Protect the Rights of your people. …”
Marvin L/ Sargent, Chairman White Earth Reservation Tribal Council 
1969, July 8. The Pioneer. 
1969, July 8. The Pioneer. 

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