1968: “The young Indian, in a struggle with his own identity,” said George Mitchell, 34, a Chippewa

Young Indians Are 'Finding Themselves"
1968 June 27, Star Tribune 
 “The young Indian, in a struggle with his own identity,” said George Mitchell, 34, a Chippewa, “must find himself before he can relate to an alien society and its institutions. Too often this relationship has been a forced attempt by non-Indians. Things have been done for the Indian and he has never been allowed to try and fail.
     “This would probably be too hard for us to let happen, but if we remember that the other end of the spectrum of failure is success and is also accessible, we should now let the Indian try his ideas.”

Harold Good Sky, 27, says the Indian is tired of being a “scapegoat” for the white society tired of being “dusted off and put back on the shelf,” tired of promises never fulfilled.

“Another is Ronald Libertus, 30, who explains,  “What the [indigenous] kids have done is for the first time they have gotten together in a large group. They are doing things together. It is a tremendous thing. If we are going to have any community action, it will be with the kids. The kids will find themselves.” 
1968 June 27, Star Tribune 

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