1905: The Indians want to hold medicine dance. Nothing bad. White man go to church, pray, sing. That's good for him. That is his way serving Christ. Indians want to hold medicine dance. That good for him. ~ Albert Green, Otoe

Oklahoma City, March 27 - Four Otoe Indians called upon Governor Ferguson to-day to discuss certain matters pertaining to the affairs of the Indians. The company consisted of Albert Green, Clem Jones, Charley Whiteborn and Charles W Daily. Albert Green and Clem Jones are Otoe chiefs. Charles W Daily was the interpreter. Albert Green was the chief spokesman. The matter upon which they wanted to consult was in reference to certain features of their religion upon which there appears to be a difference of opinion, in the tribe. A number of the members of the tribe are desirous of holding a "medicine dance," others of the tribe are of the opinion that such a dance should not be held.
          The statement of Albert Green was in part as follows, as interpreted by Charles Daily.
          "We have come to you as friends. What we tell you is true. We would not lie to you. We have the truth in our hearts and will tell you the truth. Jesus Christ has taught us the truth. He has taught us that it is wrong to lie. A long time ago the Indians did not know what was right as it had been made known to the white man. The Indian did not know Jesus Christ. Had never heard until the missionary came. The Indian knew how to hunt and believed the Great Spirit, but had never been told about the white man's ways. We want to be like the white man - like some white men. Some white men are good and some white men drink whiskey. Whiskey makes the white man bad. It makes the Indian bad. When the Indian gets drunk on whiskey he gets bad. Jesus Christ does not want the Indian to drink whiskey and be bad.
          The white man has many societies. One goes to one house (church), one goes to another, but all want to go to one place. The Indian, too, has societies. One Indian thinks one thing, another thinks another thing, but the evangelist tell him to be good. We want our children to be good, want them to be like white man's child. Want them to be sober and not drink whiskey. Want them to go to school like white man's child. The young Indian can be like the white man. The older Indian cannot be like the white man. I (Albert Green) belong half to white man's ways and half to Indian's ways. Cannot change all at one time. My daughter in school. She can be a Christian like white man's child. I can be Christian but have to be some like Indian. Want to hold medicine dance. Some Indians, like some white men, talk too much. Some Indians like Sitting Bill much talk, some white men much talk. Some Indians foolish, don't know. The Indians want to hold medicine dance. Nothing bad. White man go to church, pray, sing. That's good for him. That is his way serving Christ. Indians want to hold medicine dance. That good for him. Christ told him medicine dance all right.

          "Great Spirit make everything. Do everything. Christ make white man, make Indian, make laws. The Indian want to live right. Want to be good. But wants to have medicine dance and do no harm. Indian one white man another way, but white man's children all alike some day. All go to same church, same school, live in same country. Indian tribe may be nomore. It is good that it be that way, but Indian want to hold medicine dance now. When you hear about Indian holding medicine dance, we want you to know that he does no harm. When you hear about Indian holding medicine dance, know that he means all right."
          Governor Ferguson informed the visitors that providing the dance was not contrary to the wishes of the agent or against the desire of the missionary it was in his opinion all right. 

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1905, March 28  Fort Smith Times 

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