Jan 23, 1885: Starving. The Paiutes in a Deplorable Condition
San Francisco, Cal - Jan 22 - The Piute Indians are said to be starving on their barren reservation in Nevada. Not a cent of the Congressional appropriation of $7,000* secured by Senator Dawes of Massachusetts has reached them. [*About $193,822.00 today]
The winter in Nevada has been a very severe one. The reservation is so barren that nothing could be grown on the land to provide against it. The Indians number 7000. Almost their sole means of subsistence has been pine nuts, fish from Pyramid Lake, and rabbits. The latter is the only game on the reservation. Sarah Winnemucca, the member of the tribe who lectured East on the condition of the Piutes, and who is now spending a few days in this city, says: "My people are utterly destitute. Numbers of them are famishing in the snow." She attributed their misery to the negligence of reservation officials.
1885, Jan 23, Chicago Daily Tribune. |
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