There was much fanfare, of course, because the Carlisle team was one of the best in the nation.
When they arrived, they didn't quite look as expected. They weren't barefoot or wearing feathers, which was noted in this newspaper illustration, rather they looked like anyone else.
1899, Dec 22 San Francisco Chronicle |
But their real appearance, and the animated characterization of them, did not stop illustrators from depicting them as tomahawk-wielding Indians, playing in feathers, and scalping the rival team in the December 26th, 1899 issue of The San Francisco Call.
Of course, this is what they actually looked like. Not quite the image they anticipated.
1899, Dec 16. The San Francisco Call |
The "as they were expected" images are pretty spot-on for how American Indians are still portrayed today - especially as mascots. It seems that is still the "Indian" most folks prefer to see, even if it's fictionalized and stereotypical.
Click below to read the article, Indian Athletes Arrive
1899, Dec 22 San Francisco Chronicle |