1921 - American Indians are joining the Chinese to film their own movies - and make themselves the heroes, for once.

New York, Dec 12 - Americans will soon be villains on the screen. The supply of Chinese and Indian villains will have run thin.
          James B Leong and Quan Foo have organized a new motion picture company at Los Angeles to produce four pictures a year. This company is an outgrowth of the organization which produced "The Lotus Blossom" to show the Chinese as they really are and not as they usually are pictured in films made by Caucasians. Cherokee Indians, having accumulated great wealth in oil lands, have turned to eradicating the stain of villainy placed upon the Indians by the cinema.
          The Cherokees met at Okmulgee, Okla, raised a fund and appointed a committee to see that Indians become heroes and heroines in books, plays and films.
          The Indians, said that Monte Blue is a member of their tribe and that he plays the part of Danton in "Two Orphans," recently filmed by D.W. Griffith. Chief Roan Peters referred to history to show that Danton was a radical that sent hundreds to the guillotine.
          The assembled braves appointed a committee to negotiate with Blue to induce him to forgo all roles displaying him in an unfavorable light. The Indians will recompense him for any financial loss he might suffer by such action.
          All of this is an extraordinary commentary on civilization.
          Natives of Africa and India several months ago asked American producers to stop sending them films showing white women in phases of character contrary to conception established by missionaries, religious and commercial.
          There's a puzzler for the producer. If he makes villains and adventurcans [ ? ] and low characters of Americans he presents them in unfavorable aspect to other races. If he employs only foreign characters for the unfavorable parts he is unfair to other races.
          There are villains among the Indians. There are villains among the Chinese. And there are plenty of them among Americans. It would be a vainglorious thing to send to other countries only such films as display Americans in virtuous, heroic roles.
          The photoplay is a great medium of education, a medium understood regardless of barrier of speech or race or creed. Its chief responsibility then seems to be to tell the truth.  - Source 1921, Dec 12    New Castle Herald 
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1921, Dec 18   The Ogden Standard Examiner 

365 days, American history, Atlanta Braves, AIM, American Indian Movement, assimilation, Andrew Jackson, ally, aboriginal, American Indian, Buck, butt-hurt, bullying, braves, Cleveland Indians, comic books, Christopher Columbus, columbus day, Cherokee, civil rights, casino, cowboy and Indian, cowboys, crying Indian, changers, change the mascot, cultural appropriation, Clarke Indians, debunk, digger Indian,  dream catcher, dime novels, Donald Trump, ethnic slur, frybread, first nations, Florida State, Feathers and Paint, genocide, Geronimo, Hiawatha, headdress, high school mascots, half-breed, historical truth, Indian braves, Indian chief, indigenous, Indianz, Indian chief, injun, Indian country, Indian blood, Indian Princess, Indian mascots, Indians, Indian heart, keep the name,  Keyport Red Raiders, Lancaster Redskins, mascots, Mama What's an Indian, Native Truth, native news, native nations, Native American ally, Native American mascots, noble Indian, Native heart, NDN,  Order of Red Men, Native American, old west, on-line bullying, Pocahontas, Pilgrim, Paint and Feathers, peace pipe, powwow, politically correct, part Indian, part Indian, papoose, Pocahottie, Redskins, Red Men, racism, racist, Red raiders, Red Man, red face, reservations,  squaw, stereotypes, scalping, Standing Bear, Sioux, snowflakes, school mascots, savage, Sitting Bull, Seminoles, Terri Jean, treaty, treaty rights, totem, tomahawk, reservation, trail of tears, textbooks, tribes, tribal nations,  Thanksgiving, trolls, Tammany, Tecumseh, voting rights, Washington Redskins, wild west, walking the red road, wounded knee, war bonnet, Wahoo, Wild westing, warpath, warriors, wannabe, Fennimore Cooper, picturesque savage, bloodthirsty, Trail of Tears, mythbusters, Great Spirit, North American Indian, amerindian, moving-picture, blood and thunder, playing Indian, stoic, Native American Heritage Month, Indian Day, protests, Carlisle, Indian problem, genocide, white privilege, manifest destiny, chieftain, Soxalexis, Lone Star Dietz, Standing Bear,
1921, Dec 12    New Castle Herald 

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