Aug 10 Santa Ana Register - Rev. Sherman Coolidge, an Arapahoe Indian, president of the American Society of Indians, attending the Indian Progress Congress..
declared that Wild West pictured depicting Indian massacres were evil. He blamed Buffalo Bill and similar characters for making children fear Indians, and said the whites should forget past Indian fights.
The movies, he said, misrepresent the Indians, who are a peaceful race, not cruel savages. They fought pioneers because the whites were invaders. He severely criticized the Federal government's method of dealing with redskins, as the Indians feel their liberty has been abridged.
Rev. Coolidge appears in another article, Sees Evil in Shows of Wild West Kind, (The Oregon Daily Journal, Aug 10, 1915) and says characters like Buffalo Bill making a living by exploiting the Indian race and that Indian pictures "of the pioneer days grossly misrepresent the Indian race. Indians are naturally a peace loving people, instead of the cruel savages usually shown in film pictures. The red man never killed for the joy of killing. The pioneers they regarded as invaders, and the Indian fought to protect his home and family."
1915, Aug 10 The Oregon Daily Journal |
1915, Aug 10 Santa Ana Register |