1911, Feb - "This picture we have just seen is absolutely devoid of anything like what an Indian would do under the circumstances."

Two delegates spoke out against the depiction of the indigenous people to Indian Commissioner Robert Valentine while visiting Washington DC, while asking to be portrayed truthfully in films. Valentine agreed that their complaint was valid, saying that the modern Indian suffers great injustice at the hands of the moving picture Indian.

"I have seen productions wherein the Indian was pictured as a cannibal, thief, and almost every evil thing one can imagine, but I have seen only a few wherein he has been favorably represented," Commissioner Valentine stated.

Speaking to a Washington reporter, Big Buck (Cheyenne delegate) and Big Bear (Arapaho delegate) said they witnessed a western production that truly upset them. "If the white people would only take the pains to study Indian characteristics," said Big Buck, "he could possibly produce something worthy of presentation to the public. This picture we have just seen is absolutely devoid of anything like what an Indian would do under the circumstances."

Big Bear also spoke out: “I don’t like it,” Big Bear said. “We have to go home tonight – if we didn’t, I would go to President Taft in the morning and ask him to close up this house. It is bad to be lied about to so many people and be helpless to defend yourself. We have a petition for the President, on the subject, but have not had a chance to present it, so we will attend to the business after we get home.” – Feb 17, 1911. The Washington Post. 
365 days, American history, Atlanta Braves, AIM, American Indian Movement, assimilation, Andrew Jackson, ally, aboriginal, American Indian, Buck, butt-hurt, bullying, braves, Cleveland Indians, comic books, Christopher Columbus, Cherokee, civil rights, casino, cowboy and Indian, owboys, crying Indian, changers, change the mascot, cultural appropriation, Clarke Indians, debunk, digger Indian,  dream catcher, dime novels, Donald Trump, ethnic slur, frybread, first nations, Florida State, Feathers and Paint, genocide, Geronimo, Hiawatha, headdress, half-breed, historical truth, Indian braves, Indian chief, indigenous, Indianz, Indian chief, injun, Indian country, Indian blood, Indian Princess, Indian mascots, Indians, Indian heart, keep the name,  Keyport Red Raiders, Lancaster Redskins, mascots, Mama What's an Indian, Native Truth, native news, native nations, Native American ally, Native American mascots, noble Indian, Native heart, NDN,  Order of Red Men, Native American, old west, on-line bullying, Pocahontas, Pilgrim, Paint and Feathers, peace pipe, powwow, politically correct, part Indian, part Indian, papoose, Pocahottie, Redskins, Red Men, racism, racist, Red raiders, Red Man, red face, reservations,  squaw, stereotypes, scalping, Standing Bear, Sioux, snowflakes, school mascots, savage, Sitting Bull, Seminoles, Terri Jean, treaty, treaty rights, totem, tomahawk, reservation, trail of tears, textbooks, tribes, tribal nations,  Thanksgiving, trolls, Tammany, Tecumseh, voting rights, Washington Redskins, wild west, walking the red road, wounded knee, war bonnet, Wahoo, Wild westing, warpath, warriors, wannabe, Fennimore Cooper, picturesque savage, bloodthirsty, Trail of Tears, mythbusters, Great Spirit, North American Indian, amerindian, moving-picture, blood and thunder, playing Indian,

And how did the "Movie Men" reply?
365 days, American history, Atlanta Braves, AIM, American Indian Movement, assimilation, Andrew Jackson, ally, aboriginal, American Indian, Buck, butt-hurt, bullying, braves, Cleveland Indians, comic books, Christopher Columbus, Cherokee, civil rights, casino, cowboy and Indian, owboys, crying Indian, changers, change the mascot, cultural appropriation, Clarke Indians, debunk, digger Indian,  dream catcher, dime novels, Donald Trump, ethnic slur, frybread, first nations, Florida State, Feathers and Paint, genocide, Geronimo, Hiawatha, headdress, half-breed, historical truth, Indian braves, Indian chief, indigenous, Indianz, Indian chief, injun, Indian country, Indian blood, Indian Princess, Indian mascots, Indians, Indian heart, keep the name,  Keyport Red Raiders, Lancaster Redskins, mascots, Mama What's an Indian, Native Truth, native news, native nations, Native American ally, Native American mascots, noble Indian, Native heart, NDN,  Order of Red Men, Native American, old west, on-line bullying, Pocahontas, Pilgrim, Paint and Feathers, peace pipe, powwow, politically correct, part Indian, part Indian, papoose, Pocahottie, Redskins, Red Men, racism, racist, Red raiders, Red Man, red face, reservations,  squaw, stereotypes, scalping, Standing Bear, Sioux, snowflakes, school mascots, savage, Sitting Bull, Seminoles, Terri Jean, treaty, treaty rights, totem, tomahawk, reservation, trail of tears, textbooks, tribes, tribal nations,  Thanksgiving, trolls, Tammany, Tecumseh, voting rights, Washington Redskins, wild west, walking the red road, wounded knee, war bonnet, Wahoo, Wild westing, warpath, warriors, wannabe, Fennimore Cooper, picturesque savage, bloodthirsty, Trail of Tears, mythbusters, Great Spirit, North American Indian, amerindian, moving-picture, blood and thunder, playing Indian,
1911. Feb 27 The Washington Post 
Again, times have not changed. It's not that no one has complained before, the truth is, the offending party refuses to listen.
365 days, American history, Atlanta Braves, AIM, American Indian Movement, assimilation, Andrew Jackson, ally, aboriginal, American Indian, Buck, butt-hurt, bullying, braves, Cleveland Indians, comic books, Christopher Columbus, Cherokee, civil rights, casino, cowboy and Indian, owboys, crying Indian, changers, change the mascot, cultural appropriation, Clarke Indians, debunk, digger Indian,  dream catcher, dime novels, Donald Trump, ethnic slur, frybread, first nations, Florida State, Feathers and Paint, genocide, Geronimo, Hiawatha, headdress, half-breed, historical truth, Indian braves, Indian chief, indigenous, Indianz, Indian chief, injun, Indian country, Indian blood, Indian Princess, Indian mascots, Indians, Indian heart, keep the name,  Keyport Red Raiders, Lancaster Redskins, mascots, Mama What's an Indian, Native Truth, native news, native nations, Native American ally, Native American mascots, noble Indian, Native heart, NDN,  Order of Red Men, Native American, old west, on-line bullying, Pocahontas, Pilgrim, Paint and Feathers, peace pipe, powwow, politically correct, part Indian, part Indian, papoose, Pocahottie, Redskins, Red Men, racism, racist, Red raiders, Red Man, red face, reservations,  squaw, stereotypes, scalping, Standing Bear, Sioux, snowflakes, school mascots, savage, Sitting Bull, Seminoles, Terri Jean, treaty, treaty rights, totem, tomahawk, reservation, trail of tears, textbooks, tribes, tribal nations,  Thanksgiving, trolls, Tammany, Tecumseh, voting rights, Washington Redskins, wild west, walking the red road, wounded knee, war bonnet, Wahoo, Wild westing, warpath, warriors, wannabe, Fennimore Cooper, picturesque savage, bloodthirsty, Trail of Tears, mythbusters, Great Spirit, North American Indian, amerindian, moving-picture, blood and thunder, playing Indian,
1911, Feb 25  Weekly Town Talk 
Criticism against the protest started. This publication also reprinted the broken-Heap-speak version of Big Bear's statement.
365 days, American history, Atlanta Braves, AIM, American Indian Movement, assimilation, Andrew Jackson, ally, aboriginal, American Indian, Buck, butt-hurt, bullying, braves, Cleveland Indians, comic books, Christopher Columbus, Cherokee, civil rights, casino, cowboy and Indian, owboys, crying Indian, changers, change the mascot, cultural appropriation, Clarke Indians, debunk, digger Indian,  dream catcher, dime novels, Donald Trump, ethnic slur, frybread, first nations, Florida State, Feathers and Paint, genocide, Geronimo, Hiawatha, headdress, half-breed, historical truth, Indian braves, Indian chief, indigenous, Indianz, Indian chief, injun, Indian country, Indian blood, Indian Princess, Indian mascots, Indians, Indian heart, keep the name,  Keyport Red Raiders, Lancaster Redskins, mascots, Mama What's an Indian, Native Truth, native news, native nations, Native American ally, Native American mascots, noble Indian, Native heart, NDN,  Order of Red Men, Native American, old west, on-line bullying, Pocahontas, Pilgrim, Paint and Feathers, peace pipe, powwow, politically correct, part Indian, part Indian, papoose, Pocahottie, Redskins, Red Men, racism, racist, Red raiders, Red Man, red face, reservations,  squaw, stereotypes, scalping, Standing Bear, Sioux, snowflakes, school mascots, savage, Sitting Bull, Seminoles, Terri Jean, treaty, treaty rights, totem, tomahawk, reservation, trail of tears, textbooks, tribes, tribal nations,  Thanksgiving, trolls, Tammany, Tecumseh, voting rights, Washington Redskins, wild west, walking the red road, wounded knee, war bonnet, Wahoo, Wild westing, warpath, warriors, wannabe, Fennimore Cooper, picturesque savage, bloodthirsty, Trail of Tears, mythbusters, Great Spirit, North American Indian, amerindian, moving-picture, blood and thunder, playing Indian,
1911, Feb 26  Albuquerque Journal

365 days, American history, Atlanta Braves, AIM, American Indian Movement, assimilation, Andrew Jackson, ally, aboriginal, American Indian, Buck, butt-hurt, bullying, braves, Cleveland Indians, comic books, Christopher Columbus, Cherokee, civil rights, casino, cowboy and Indian, owboys, crying Indian, changers, change the mascot, cultural appropriation, Clarke Indians, debunk, digger Indian,  dream catcher, dime novels, Donald Trump, ethnic slur, frybread, first nations, Florida State, Feathers and Paint, genocide, Geronimo, Hiawatha, headdress, half-breed, historical truth, Indian braves, Indian chief, indigenous, Indianz, Indian chief, injun, Indian country, Indian blood, Indian Princess, Indian mascots, Indians, Indian heart, keep the name,  Keyport Red Raiders, Lancaster Redskins, mascots, Mama What's an Indian, Native Truth, native news, native nations, Native American ally, Native American mascots, noble Indian, Native heart, NDN,  Order of Red Men, Native American, old west, on-line bullying, Pocahontas, Pilgrim, Paint and Feathers, peace pipe, powwow, politically correct, part Indian, part Indian, papoose, Pocahottie, Redskins, Red Men, racism, racist, Red raiders, Red Man, red face, reservations,  squaw, stereotypes, scalping, Standing Bear, Sioux, snowflakes, school mascots, savage, Sitting Bull, Seminoles, Terri Jean, treaty, treaty rights, totem, tomahawk, reservation, trail of tears, textbooks, tribes, tribal nations,  Thanksgiving, trolls, Tammany, Tecumseh, voting rights, Washington Redskins, wild west, walking the red road, wounded knee, war bonnet, Wahoo, Wild westing, warpath, warriors, wannabe, Fennimore Cooper, picturesque savage, bloodthirsty, Trail of Tears, mythbusters, Great Spirit, North American Indian, amerindian, moving-picture, blood and thunder, playing Indian,
1911. Feb 27 The Washington Post 

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