February 23, 1916 - Indians invented a game like football

Indians Invented and Played Football for Enormous Stakes Over Courses a mile long Although a form of football was played by both the Greeks and Romans under the title of Feninda, and later Spheromakin, it has been recently demonstrated that the North American Indians invented and played a game similar to the football of early and middle age Europe. In a recent article upon the subject, Parke Davis, the statistician and historian of the modern games, writes as follows: "The first American played football in a well specialized game of which he also was the inventor. Like Lacrosse, the Indian played his game of football upon the flat sands. The ball was made of leather; sewn with a tong and filled with moss. The goals were a mile and more apart. The players ordinarily were braves of the same tribe, but upon special occasions the game would be waged between selected players of different tribes, one tribe arrayed against ano...