1983 Raub School finally gets a real, live Indian mascot

1983, Nov 25. The Morning Call The Raub Indian, a symbol long associated with the former junior high school, now a middle school, recently became a live mascot for the first time. Eighth grade pupil Christopher Kobler, who plays the role, is whipping up routines and war whoops to use at sports events and other school functions. The American Indian is as yet unnamed, but the school is sponsoring a contest to name the mascot. A cash prize will be awarded to the student who comes up with the best name. After being introduced to the student body at an assembly, the Raub Warrior gave his initial performance at the first home basketball game of the season. What do the students think of their new mascot? According to Mrs Rosann Berringer, an English teacher at the school, "They thought it was neat; they thought it was excellent." Many students are attracted to baseb...