Today in History: Jan 6, 1975 - Mattie Grinnell of Twin Buttes, North Dakota, dies at the age of 108. She was the last full-blooded of the Mandan Nation. A Billings Gazette newspaper article featured a photo of her in their January 7, 1973 newspaper (two years prior to hear death), saying she had passed 105 winters, then living in a cabin on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, without electricity or plumbing. She received a Civil War pension of $125 a month, from her husband was a Union Soldier. Her son, Jack, who lived with her at the age of 77, drew a $105 pension from World War I. She also had three daughters. Very grainy photo.. but it's Mattie outside her cabin. January 7, 1973. The Billings Gazette Her documented age was 105, and she said "I was born in an Indian village of this reservation. We lived in mound houses then, you know." She remembered that the lodges were furnished with woven mats around the fireplace, and buffalo robes. Her father was Bad Bull, a s...